What about the title?
Well originally it was going to be called "The Sculpted Egg" after a gift that my cousin got me from Iraq. It was a unique, beautiful gift. I attached to a cast iron of a hand for it to have a proper display.

I ended up calling it "The Sculpted Tree" because it seemed a better fit to the whole "here is my journey" through the perspective of growth through sculpting (shaping, molding, taking away to add beauty) and growth through, well, growing!
So here I am starting this blog to capture the things I learn in my life. I have definitely started a new chapter.
I have just quit my job to stay at home with this cute girl.

So far it has been wonderful! There was a period of adjustment in the beginning, but after that everything has been amazing! I have never felt an outpouring of love in such a short amount of time. I relish in each of her smiles and coos. She has been a very easy baby so far. I am really blessed in that regards.

Motherhood has been a big step of "oh my gosh, she is going to look to me for guidance and unconditional love." I am very excited about teaching her about life and all the things I love, and looking forward to what she is going to like and want to be involved in. But always being what she needs for me to be is a bit scary and very self-evaluating.
I would consider my self not as much needy, but wanting other people to be involved in my life by making them feel needed. Everyone I know has so much to offer and I want to learn from them. It's such a balance between being self-sufficient/reliant and letting people know you need them without feeling too needy. It's a fault I have of not being transparent and putting on a front. And it's a bit selfish. I want to be able to offer the people in my life all of me. What I know, encouragement, my time... everything. I want to teach her that, too.
Today her little eyes were just staring at me while I was cleaning her room. Such a close and careful observation of everything I did. What will I teach her unknowingly? Will she see me help someone in need or get unnecessarily angry?
I am overjoyed and clinging to God to guide me down this wonderful path...
This is awesome. I love reading your writing....and of course I enjoy seeing sweet pictures of Ava. Keep it up. I love you, my friend.